As an employee, you’ll generally submit timesheets and access your personal information through your Astute portal. You may be a direct employee of an organisation or a contractor working under another entity.
Once your access has been set up by an administrator for your organisation, you’ll receive an email that contains your username and the URL that you’ll need so that you can set up your password and log into your portal.
If you don’t receive this email, contact your administrator and they’ll be able to resend it to you.
Set Your Password
When you click the URL in the email, you’ll be prompted to set up your password and security questions.
Enter your preferred password, ensuring that it meets the requirements that are listed at the top of the screen.
Confirm the password in the field provided.
Select two security questions from the drop-down fields and enter the answer to each question.
Click Set Password.
When you log in, you’ll need to enter your username and password to gain access to your portal.
Please note, your username needs to be in the format of 'firstname.lastname', it is not your email address. If you've forgotten what this is, please refer to the original New User email you received when you first set up your login. If you can't find this email, please contact your payroll administrator or employment agency directly.
If you forget your username or password, click Forgot Password and enter your username or email address. You will be sent an email that contains a link to reset your password.
As part of the login process, you will also need to set up two-factor authentication (2FA) as an extra layer of security on top of your password. This will be used to access the personal and payroll information in your Profile tab.
Update Your Password
You can update your password in your Profile tab and following the steps below:
Click Security Settings.
Enter the Current Password and New Password into the relevant fields.
Re-enter your new password in the Confirm Password field.
Click Change Password.
You can also reset your security questions in the Security Questions and Answers section.
Consent and Compliance Documents
When you first log in for the first time as a new employee, you’ll need to review and accept Astute’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. These policies outline how the information in your portal is stored and used, and the conditions of use of the Astute system.
Depending on how your profile is configured, you may also see a checkbox to consent to personal information being shared with Flare HR. This information sharing is subject to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy and is used to facilitate processes like onboarding and super stapling (to be released). This checkbox will only appear for new PAYG employees in Australian portals.
Both the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy have checkboxes at the bottom of the policy which must be ticked in acknowledgement of reviewing and accepting the terms. To view each policy, click the links to be taken to the Astute Payroll website.
Once both checkboxes have been ticked, you will then need to click the Agree button, to verify that they have read and accepted the terms and conditions listed in both sections above.
This button can only be clicked after the checkboxes have been ticked. If either the Terms of Use or Privacy checkboxes are not ticked, you will be unable to proceed.
Other Compliance Documents
Your employer may have also set up documents (eg employment agreements) that you will need to review and accept before you can access your portal.
Compliance documents may appear on your first login, or at a later time if updated policies, procedures or company notices are rolled out. You can view your compliance document history in the Your Profile section of your Dashboard.
To accept a policy or a compliance document once you have read and understood it, please tick the checkbox underneath the relevant section. You’ll then need to click Agree at the bottom of the page. You can save a copy of a policy or document by clicking the ‘click here to download’ hyperlink in the heading line of each section.
If you click Disagree you will be redirected to the main login screen and will not be able to access your portal until the terms of the documents are accepted. Please speak with an administrator for your organisation if you have any questions about a compliance document.
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