If you are using a daily timesheet for a Job, the system will compare each day against the expected hours on the Master Timesheet.
If hours are entered on a day when an employee is expected to work, the hours worked are calculated as the fraction of the day worked on the daily timesheet by the number of expected hours.
If the Master Timesheet is set with 8 hours per day and a shift on a daily timesheet is marked as a quarter of a day, this will be recorded as 2 hours.
If hours are entered on a day where the employee is not expected to work, the hours worked are calculated using the median hours in the Master Timesheet multiplied by the fraction entered in the daily timesheet.
For example, if the Master Timesheet says Mon=8, Tue=8, Wed=8, Thu=8, Fri=6, the Median would be 8 hours, so for a daily timesheet shift of a quarter day, this will be recorded as 2 hours.
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