The Reports > Invoices > Outstanding Statements report lists the outstanding and partially paid invoices for each Customer.
The report includes an overall summary for the entity, with each Customer in a separate report line underneath. You can view the invoices associated with a Customer by expanding the report line.
You need to have a contact in Users > Customers > select customer > Billing Group > Account Receivable to be able to send Statements to the customer.
Send Statements
To send statements from within the report:
Set your preferences in the Sent Method drop-down.
Tick the checkbox to select a Customer.
Click Send Statements.
This will email the report in the selected ‘Send Method’ format directly to the Account Receivable contact in the customer profile.
On-screen Columns
The Report Summary section of the Outstanding Statements report includes the following data:
- Statement Type
- Customers
- Outstanding Invoices
- Overdue Invoices
- Invoices Total
- Total Outstanding
Each Customer report line will include the following data:
- Customer
- Invoices
- Issue Date
- Due Date
- Currency
- Total
- Outstanding
- Status
Export Options
There are no exports for the Outstanding Statements report.
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