Termination Reasons are a list of custom reasons that employees may be terminated for. When an employee is terminated, you will need to set a termination reason on their user profile.
The Config > Payroll > Termination Reasons screen does not come with any preset items, so you will need to configure the reasons that are required for your organisation.
Add a Termination Reason
To add a Termination Reason:
Go to Config > Payroll > Termination Reasons.
Click Add New Termination Reason.
Enter a Name for the termination reason. This is a free-text field with a maximum of 115 characters, so you can tailor the name to suit your reporting requirements.
Tick the Enabled checkbox if the termination reason should be available to assign to terminating employees.
Click Save.
Edit a Termination Reason
To edit a termination reason, click on the blue hyperlink in the Name column. You’ll be able to edit both the Name and Enabled status. Click Save to apply changes.
Delete a Termination Reason
You can delete a termination reason if it hasn’t been assigned to an employee profile. You’ll see a checkbox to the left of a termination reason if it can be deleted.
To delete a termination reason:
Tick the checkbox to the left of the termination reason Name.
Click With selected termination reasons…
Click Delete.
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