The Reports > Invoices > Customer Sales Details report provides the details and invoice line item descriptions for invoices that have been issued to Customers within a specified time period.
By default, the report will show the data for the last week up to today’s date.
You can view all invoice line items in detail by clicking Expand All on Page.
On-screen Columns
The report includes a summary at the top, with a list of individual invoice line items underneath.
The summary section includes the following data:
- Period
- Sale Amount
- Tax
- Balance
Each report line will include the following data:
- Customer
- Invoice #
- Invoice Date
- Sale Amount
- Tax
- Balance
- Status
- Due Date
Export Options
You can export the on-screen view of the report in .pdf format. There are also three .csv files available for export.
The Line Items CSV contains:
- Bill Through Entity
- Branch Region
- Branch
- Division
- Parent Customer ID
- Parent Customer
- Customer ID
- Customer
- Invoice ID
- Invoice #
- Invoice Date
- Invoice Transaction Date
- Billing Group
- Recruiter
- Employee ID
- Employee
- Workplace
- Description
- Quantity
- Unit
- Tax
- Total
- GL Code
- PO Number
The Summary CSV contains:
- Parent Customer ID
- Parent Customer
- Customer ID
- Customer
- Invoice ID
- Invoice #
- Invoice Date
- Due Date
- Status
- Billing Group
- Recruiter
- Employees
- Workplaces
- Invoice Subtotal (ex Tax)
- Tax
- Invoice Total
- Current Balance
- SAP Code
- GL Income Account
The Detailed CSV contains:
- Customer
- Contact
- SAP Code
- Invoice Number
- PO Number
- Invoice Date
- Sale Amount
- Tax
- Current Balance
- Status
- Due Date
- Transaction Date
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