Split shifts in a timesheet allow the user to assign blocks of time to an employee’s timesheet that are split based on Job, Pay Item or Project.
You can set your portal default so that all new Jobs assigned to employees have split shifts enabled, or manage this on an individual employee basis.
The split shift functionality will need to be enabled in your portal before you can configure your preferences. If you need this enabled, please contact our Support team.
Enable Split Shifts by Default
The default setting for split shifts is managed in Config > System Setup > Timesheet Settings.
When the ‘Enable Split Shifts by Default’ checkbox is ticked, any new job that is assigned to an employee will be preset with split shifts activated.
If the checkbox isn’t ticked, all new jobs will default to split shifts being disabled.
Enable Split Shifts for Individual Employees
You can manage split shifts on an individual employee level from Users > Employees > select the employee > select the job > Job Details.
Ticking the ‘Split Shifts’ checkbox will allow split shifts to be entered in the employee’s timesheets. If this box is not ticked, only one entry per timesheet day can be added into the employee’s timesheets.
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