Once a visa type has been enabled, it will be available to assign to relevant employees in their user profile.
An employee’s visa details are set in Users > Employees > select employee > Employment Eligibility. You may need to click ‘More’ in the left side menu to expand the default view before you will see this option.
Set a Visa Type
You can set the Visa to assign the employee from the Visa Type drop-down list. The options in the list will include any visas that have been enabled in Config > Payroll > Visas that match the employee’s region (ie Australian employees can only be set with Australian visa types).
Additional visa information can be set, including Visa Expiry Date, Visa Sighted and Verified (Yes/No), and the user that the visa was Verified By.
Employee Eligibility
In addition to the Visa Type selection, you can set an employee’s Employment Eligibility from the below options:
- Australian Citizen
- New Zealand Citizen
- Australia Permanent Resident
- New Zealand Permanent Resident
- Temporary
If an employee’s Employment Eligibility is set to Temporary, then the Visa Type and Visa Expiry Date fields are mandatory.
Please note that Employment Eligibility cannot be set for draft employees, and the drop-down field will only be available to set once an employee’s profile is activated.
Country of Passport
The Country of Passport field records the originating country of a PAYG employee’s passport.
If you have System Administrator or Payroll Administrator access, you can set the Country of Passport for an employee by selecting the name of the country from the drop-down list. If you set the Country of Passport via the API, you will need to use the standard and current ISO Country Code for the relevant country.
If your Visa Control Settings have enabled user control, employees will also be able to manage the Country of Passport when they log in, from Profile > Employment Eligibility.
Working Holiday Makers
If an employee has been set as a Working Holiday Maker (WHM), it is mandatory to set the Country of Passport.
Employees are considered a WHM if:
- Users > Employees > select employee > Tax & Super > Tax Table is set as Working Holiday Maker; or,
- Users > Employees > select employee > Employment Eligibility > Visa Type is set to a Working Holiday Maker type (ie any 417 or 462 visa)
If you have employees linked to a WHM tax table or a WHM visa, please ensure that:
- your entity is registered for WHM in your Company Management config; and,
- you have ticked Enable User Control in your Visa Control Settings so that employees will have the ability to access and edit their visa details.
If you would prefer not to Enable User Control, a Payroll Administrator will be able to enter visa information on behalf of an employee, and can update the Country of Passport field when they assign the WHM tax table or visa. Please note that, in this instance, employees will see a Country of Passport error in their portal view until the Country of Passport is entered.
Important: If you have created or deleted a visa related to Working Holiday Makers, then the Country of Passport validation will not be automatically performed. You will need to ensure that the Country of Passport is manually added for employees assigned this visa type.
Eligibility for Work Documents
You can upload Eligibility for Work documents in the Employment Eligibility tab of a PAYG employee profile. Documents may include birth certificates, drivers’ licence, passport, or visa documents for non-citizens.
Individual files can be up to 10mb in size, and in one of the following formats: .pdf, .png, .jpeg, or .gif.
To attach a file, click Choose File > OK, then select the file from the popup window. Only valid file types will appear in the popup window. You can select multiple files from the popup window to upload.
Once uploaded, files will appear in a table below the Choose File section. You can click on a filename to download a copy, or click ‘Delete’ to remove a file.
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