The default URL for your portal will be portalname.astutepayroll.com.au/portal. There are two common ways that you can link your portal to your company website.
Website Link
You can add a link to your portal from any page on your website. Clicking on the link will direct a user to the login page of your Astute portal.
A webform allows a user to log into the portal directly from your company website.
To configure this option, you will need to create a webform on your company website with the following attributes:
Form Attributes
- target=“_blank”
- method =“post”
- action=“https://[yourportalname].astutepayroll.com/[yourportalname]/login"
Username Input Box Attributes
- name=”authenticate_userid”
- type=”text”
- maxlength=”50”
Password Input Box Attributes
- name=”authenticate_password”
- type=”password”
- maxlength=”x” (where x is the maximum number of password characters as set in your portal)
Login Button Attributes
- name=”authenticate”
- type=”submit”
Password Reset Button Attributes
- name=”reset”
- type=”submit”
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