When a Customer moves to online timesheets, you will need to remove the default setting from their profile and any Workplaces within it, and you’ll need to remove any existing employees from the Bulk Upload List too.
To do this:
Go to Users > Customers > select customer > Default Settings > in Default Bulk Upload Lists, select Do not set > Save.
In the same customer profile, go to Workplaces > select workplace > in Bulk Upload Lists, select Do not set > Save. You will need to repeat this for each Workplace within the customer.
Go to Config > Payroll > Bulk Upload Lists > select the relevant list > select each of the employees associated with the customer going online > Remove Selected > Save. Once an employee is removed from the Bulk Upload List, they will be able to submit timesheets online.
To see a list of active jobs associated with a specific Customer, go to Users > Customers > click the blue number in the Active Jobs column for the customer. You may like to print this list as a reference when you are completing Step 3 above.
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