Before You Start
If your portal isn’t set up to use rate cards, this will need to be switched on. To use the Rate and Rate Card Importer, please contact our Support Team.
Important: Before you import any new or updated Rates or Rate Cards into your live portal, it is important to back up the original export file and request a sandbox portal.
Import Rate Cards using the Rate Card Importer
To upload a completed rate card template:
- Go to Config > Payroll > Rate Card Importer.
Under ‘Create new rate cards or update existing rate cards’, click Continue.
Click Choose File, select the revised .csv and click Validate.
In the Validation Results screen, review any errors. You’ll need to amend any errors in the .csv template and then restart the upload process until the system successfully validates your data.
When the validation is successful, click Import to complete the rate card upload.
You’ll receive an on-screen confirmation that the import is complete with a summary of the items that have been loaded into the portal.
You can include a maximum of 1000 rate cards in each import. If the number of rates that you need to import exceeds this limit, you will need to split these across multiple uploads. Click Import More to return to the Import Rate Card landing page to restart the import process if you have more rate cards to upload.
Error Validation for Rate Cards
The Validation Results screen will indicate if there are any validation issues with the data in your .csv template.
Each error will be identified by row with a brief error message to outline the issue. Once the errors are fixed in the .csv template, click Back to restart the import and upload the new version of the file.
Some common rate card validation errors are:
Error Message | Meaning |
Only CSV file is supported for rate cards importer. Please update rate cards in a CSV file. |
The file that has been uploaded is not in the correct format (.csv) |
File headers missing in uploaded file. |
One or more of the preset file headers have been removed from the downloaded template |
Invalid file headers in uploaded file. |
One or more of the preset file headers have been changed in the downloaded template |
Additional data detected in uploaded file. Please remove the additional columns. |
One or more columns have been added to the downloaded template |
Expected columns in file missing. Please check the uploaded file. |
One or more columns have been removed from the downloaded template |
The validation process will also read each row in the .csv file to check for field length and data validation and the number of rows to be imported.
Common Errors when Creating a New Rate Card
Error Message | Meaning |
Row X: Provided Rate Card ID is invalid |
The Rate Card ID entered does not exist in the portal |
Row X: Please provide a region for the new rate card |
A region has not been specified for a new rate card in a portal with multiple regions enabled |
Row X: The specified region doesn’t exist in the system |
The country code entered doesn’t match a region that is active for the portal or doesn’t exist in the system |
Row X: Number of characters in Rate Group Name exceeds permissible limit |
The Rate Group Name needs to be 200 characters or less |
Row X: Please provide a name for the new rate card |
A Rate Card Name has not been entered |
Row X: Number of characters in Rate Card Name exceeds permissible limit |
The Rate Card Name needs to be 200 characters or less |
Row X: The specified currency doesn’t exist in the system |
The Pay Currency or Charge Currency entered doesn't match an active region in the portal or doesn’t exist in the system. |
Common Errors when Updating an Existing Rate Card
Error Message | Meaning |
Row X: Please provide a name for the rate card |
A Rate Card Name has not been entered |
Row X: Please provide the Rate Card ID for the rate card |
A Rate Card ID has not been entered or the Rate Card ID that has been entered does not exist in the portal |
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