The Payroll > Status Reports > Timesheet Status report is a list of the timesheets in your selected entity.
By default, the report will show ‘All Outstanding’ timesheets and can be exported in .csv or .pdf format. You can tick and untick the checkboxes in the Report Summary section to hide or show timesheets with the specified status.
From this report, you’ll be able to access individual timesheets so that you can edit, submit, approve and reject them.
You can check for outstanding or unprocessed timesheets for each active job by changing the Report settings filters. To filter the report by a specific status:
In the Report Settings > Timesheet Status drop-down, deselect All Outstanding.
Tick the timesheet status to include when the filter is applied.
Click Go.
You can also use the Report Settings > Search filter to display results for a particular user type, such as Employee or Customer (including workplace).
From within the report, you can send an approval reminder to the Primary or Secondary Approver, or mark timesheets as Did Not Work.
This report can also be accessed from Reports > Payroll > Timesheet Status.
On-screen Columns
The on-screen view of the Timesheet Status report includes the following data:
- Report Summary
- Timesheet
- Employee
- Workplace
- Recruiter
- Approver
- Status
Export Options
You can export a .csv or .pdf of the on-screen view of the Timesheet Status report.
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