The myGovID Machine Credential is required so that you can connect your portal to the ATO. This allows you to submit STP events and TFN declarations electronically.
The myGovID Machine Credential will need to be created by:
- a Principal Authority (a business owner or eligible associate of the business listed in the ABR); or,
- an Authorisation Manager (a business representative with permissions to manage machine credentials on behalf of the business) who is authorised as a Machine Credential Administrator.
Important: You will need to create a machine credential for each individual entity.
What is Astute's Software ID?
You may be asked to enter a Software ID when you set up your credentials in RAM. Please be advised that you do not have to enter a Software ID when setting up credentials to use in Astute, as we use an intermediary when STP Submissions are made and are therefore not required to have one.
Create a Machine Credential
The first time you try to install a machine credential, you’ll be directed to install a browser extension. For compatibility reasons, you’ll need to perform the following steps on either a Chrome or Firefox web browser and be running Windows OS, macOS or Linus operating system.
Using Chrome or Firefox, sign into https://authorisationmanager.gov.au/ with your MyGovID.
Click ‘View or manage authorisations, machine credentials and cloud software notifications'.
Select the business for which you’d like to create a machine credential.
The Manage authorisations page will be displayed with a list of all the authorisations for the business. Click the Manage credentials tab on the top left toolbar.
If this is your first time installing a machine credential, you will see a message advising that browser extension software is required. Click the link to visit machine credential downloads.
Install the extension. If you've previously installed the extension, you won't need to complete this step.
Click the browser extension link for your operating system.
Install and enable the browser extension.
Close down your browser. Reopen the browser and go to https://authorisationmanager.gov.au/ and login with your MyGovID. Navigate back to the Manage Credentials page.
Click Create machine credential. The ‘Create a machine credential’ page is displayed.
Enter the following information:-
Keystore path - this will prefill but can be changed. This is where the machine credential is installed on your computer. Make sure you take note of where this is stored, as you’ll need to select this location when uploading the keystore to Astute.
Keystore password - enter a password. This password will be used in Astute when you upload the credential.
Credential Name - enter a name for the machine credential. This may be the entity name.
Identify the machine credential custodian - This will be prefilled with your name and cannot be changed.
Tick the checkbox to confirm you understand the terms and click Download.
The 'Keystore path' field is the location on your computer where the file will be downloaded. Please ensure that you take note of this, or change it to a folder that is easy to access as this will make it easier for you to upload into Astute. -
The Credential Installed notification is displayed upon successful installation. Click Finish to return to the Manage credentials page.
Manage Credentials
You can create, view and revoke credentials from the Manage Credentials page.
The above steps will need to be repeated for each entity in Astute where you will be sending STP or TFN data to the ATO.
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