The EPR has three reporting options available for export:
- the Onscreen export, in .pdf or .csv format
- the Oncost .csv report
- the Detailed .csv report
Onscreen .csv Report
The Onscreen .csv export will display the same columns regardless of the Oncost Mode that has been set. These columns include:
Period |
The duration specified in the Report Settings filters |
Date Created |
The timestamp for when the EPR data is generated |
Total Incoming |
The sum of all charges to the customer |
Total Payment |
The sum of pays for the specified period |
Total Oncosts |
The sum of the oncosts for the specified periods. This will include either the % Oncost or the Attributed Oncost, depending on which method you chose in the report filter |
Total Outgoing |
The sum of all pays and oncosts for the specified period |
Profit |
The profit for the period as a dollar value, calculated as incoming minus outgoing |
Profit % |
The profit for the period as a percentage |
The reporting data may vary between Oncost Modes as the calculations that are used will differ if Use Attributables is selected instead of Use Percentages, or vice versa.
Oncost .csv Export
The Oncost .csv export details only the oncosts for an employee or job within a reporting period. The information that is reported will depend on the Oncost Mode that has been set.
If the Oncost Mode is set to Use Percentages, the .csv will include the following fields:
- Employee
- Job
- Customer
- Incoming
- Payment
- Rate Oncost
- Outgoing
- Profit
- Profit %
When Use Attributables is set as the Oncost Mode, the Rate Oncost column will be replaced by three additional columns, breaking down the Attributed Super Total, Attributed WC Total and Attributed PTAX total as separate amounts.
Detailed .csv Report
The Detailed .csv Report will provide more information than the onscreen data.
If the Oncost Mode is set as Use Percentages, the Detailed .csv will include a single column for both the Rate Oncost % and Rate Total Oncost.
If the Oncost Mode is set as Use Attributables, the Detailed .csv will split the oncost percentage and total into separate columns:
- Super %
- WC %
- PTAX %
- PTAX State
- Attributed Super Total
- Attributed WC Total
- Attributed PTAX Total
Items of Zero Value
If the Report Settings filter to 'Include Items of Zero Value' has been ticked, items matching this criteria will be displayed separately in the Detailed .csv export. This includes both pay and charge items.
Custom Fields in the Detailed .csv Report
Custom fields will only be reported in the Detailed .csv export if they have been enabled in your portal.
Each custom field will be named in the export using the convention of ‘CustomFieldTypeX_Label’, where:
- CustomFieldType is the type of custom field (eg Job, Customer)
- X is the field number (1-5)
- Label is the label that has been entered when enabling the custom field in Master Config
For example, if Job Custom Field 1 is labelled ‘Division’ in Master Config, the field header in the export would be Job1_Division.
Data Columns in the Detailed .csv Report
The Detailed .csv Report will include the below data. Some columns will not appear if they have not been enabled in your portal.
- Payroll Entity ID
- Payroll Entity Inbound Remote ID
- Payroll Entity Name
- Billing Entity ID
- Billing Entity Inbound Remote ID
- Billing Entity Name
- Billing Entity Split Percentage
- Branch ID
- Branch Name
- Branch Region ID
- Branch Region Name
- Subentity 1 Custom Fields (1-5)
- Division ID
- Division Name
- Subentity 2 Custom Fields (1-5)
- Recruiter ID
- Recruiter Reporting Identifier
- Recruiter Split Percentage
- Recruiter First Name
- Recruiter Last Name
- Supplier ID
- Supplier Name
- Employee ID
- Employee Reporting Identifier
- Employee First Name
- Employee Last Name
- Permission Group ID
- Permission Group
- Employee Custom Fields (1-5)
- Job ID
- Job Code
- Timesheet Inbound Remote ID
- Job Name
- Job Title
- Job Cost Centre
- Job Custom Fields (1-5)
- Workplace ID
- Workplace Name
- Parent Customer ID
- Parent Customer Inbound Remote ID
- Parent Customer Outbound Remote ID
- Parent Customer Name
- Customer ID
- Customer Inbound Remote ID
- Customer Outbound Remote ID
- Customer Name
- Customer Custom Fields (1-5)
- Billing Group ID
- Billing Group Name
- Billing Group Custom Fields (1-5)
- Type
- Description
- Parent Timesheet ID
- Source Type ID
- Source Type
- Timesheet ID
- Timesheet Type
- Timesheet Date
- Expense Report ID
- Expense Report Name
- Expense Report Date
- Invoice Item ID
- Invoice Item Remote ID
- Invoice Item Custom Fields (1-5)
- Pay Run ID
- Pay Run Number
- Invoice ID
- Invoice Number
- PO Number
- Invoice Item Cost Centre
- Transaction Date
- Actual Date
- Pay Item ID
- Pay Item Name
- Charge Item ID
- Charge Item Name
- Units
- Rate
- Reference Currency
- Reference Income
- Reference Outgoings
- Currency
- Income
- Payment
- Rate Oncost %
- Rate Oncost Total
- Total Outgoings
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