You will need to set up the following details in your portal so that you can successfully export a SAFF file from Astute.
Entity Details Tab
Go to Config > Company Management > select the entity > Entity Details and check that the following fields have been set:
- Trading Name - the name included in the SAFF file
- Payroll Team Email - the email address your gateway, fund, or clearing house will use to contact you if there are any issues or queries
- Payroll Team Phone Number - the number that your gateway, fund, or clearing house will use to contact you if there are any issues or queries.
Payroll Tab
Go to Config > Company Management > select the entity > Payroll and check the following fields have been set:
- Default Fund USI
- SuperStream Start Date - the date from which you’ll start using SuperStream to process your superannuation payments. Anything that you process with a Pay Date prior to this date will not be exported.
- SuperStream Contact - the person who will be contacted by your gateway, fund, or clearing house if there are any issues or queries.
- Employer Location ID - may be required by your gateway if you have more than one company under the same ABN, or if there are multiple branches or bank accounts. You’ll need to confirm with your gateway if this needs to be included in your SAFF file.
- Superannuation Fund Generated Employer Identifier - a unique ID generated by a super fund to an employee to identify the employer to the fund. You’ll need to confirm with your gateway if this needs to be included in your SAFF file.
- SuperStream Account Name, BSB and Account Number - the account details of the gateway, fund, or clearing house you are transferring funds to. You will only need to complete these fields if you are going to export an ABA file from Astute to process the payment.
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