Before you set up bank accounts for use in each entity, you need to set up your EFT Bank Accounts in Payroll Config. Then, once you've set up your entity you can add the bank accounts in Config > Company Management > select the entity > Accounts.
Add an Account
To add an account:
Go to Config > Company Management > select the entity > Accounts > Create New Account.
Enter an Account name.
Select a Bank Account and Currency from the drop-down list. When you choose a bank account, the Currency field will update to the region that has been set up for that bank account your payroll config.
Enter the GL Account Code and GL Expense Code for the account. Check you accounting software for these details.
Tick the checkboxes to indicate if the account can be used for Invoicing or Payroll. You can also nominate one account as the Default Account.
Click Save Account.
If the account is enabled for invoicing or payroll, you will need to enter some additional information:
- APCA Identification Number - a number required by some financial institutions to identify the account. You will need to confirm with your bank if this is needed. This is sometimes also referred to as a DE User ID.
- Recipient Statement Message - the message that will appear on a recipient’s statement when payments are received.
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