The Reports > Management > Average Charge report shows the average hourly charge for each Customer within a specified period.
By default, the report will show data for the last six full calendar months and will summarise by Customer. You can adjust the filters and summarisation method from the Report Settings drop-down.
On-screen Columns
The Report Summary will include the following data:
- Period
- Months
- Customers
- Employees
- Total Amount Charged
- Total Hours Charged
- Average Hourly Charge
- Maximum Hourly Charge
- Minimum Hourly Charge
- Maximum Variation
- Minimum Variation
- Average Variation
Each Customer line in the report will include the following data:
- Customer
- Months
- Employees
- Avg Hourly Charge
- Min Hourly Charge
- Max Hourly Charge
- History
Export Options
You can export the on-screen view of the Average Charge Report in .pdf format. The column headings that appear in the export may vary, depending on how you have summarised the report data.
A .csv export is also available for the default report settings, and will include the following data:
- Customer ID
- Customer Remote ID
- Customer
- Months
- Employees
- Avg Hourly Charge
- Min Hourly Charge
- Max Hourly Charge
- Avg Variation
- Month 1
- Month 2
- Month 3
- Month 4
- Month 5
- Month 6
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