The Reports > Payroll > Deductions report is a list of the deduction amounts that have been processed for each employee within a specified date range.
The report will show data for the last full calendar month and the current month up to today’s date by default. You can modify the report view using the Report Settings filters.
On-Screen Columns
The Deductions report will show the following data on-screen:
- Employee Name
- Deduction Name
- Pre Tax
- Post Tax
- Currency (if multiple currencies are enabled)
- Pay Date
- Reference
- Status
Export Options
You can export the on-screen view in .pdf format, or download a .csv file that splits the data by deduction type. The .csv file contains the following columns:
- Payroll Entity
- Employee Name
- Employee Remote ID
- Pay Run #
- Pay Date
- Pay Period From
- Pay Period To
- Pay Currency
- Deduction Type
- Deduction
- Pre Tax
- Post Tax
- Expense GL Code
- Liability GL Code
- Reference
- Deduction Status
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