The Reports > Payroll > Deduction Balance Report shows the total deduction amounts that have already been processed for each employee. The Detailed CSV export contains more detail, including the remaining balance for each deduction, as of the last Paid pay run.
The report allows you to monitor deduction balances and prevent over-deducting from employees.
Please note that any deductions that are manually added in Process Payroll will not be reflected in the Deduction Balance. You can confirm which lines this applies to in the Source column of the Detailed CSV, as these will show as 'Manual'.
On-screen Columns
The on-screen Deduction Balance Report shows the following data:
- Employee Name
- Deduction Name
- Deduction Type
- Deduction Amount
- Deduction Percentage
- Deduction Limit
- Deduction Balance
The on-screen report will consolidate the deduction amounts associated with the same deduction item per employee in the report. For a breakdown of the amounts deducted from the employee by pay run, refer to the Detailed .csv export.
The Deduction Amount and Deduction Percentage columns will only contain a value if a deduction pay item has been configured with an amount or a percentage respectively.
The Deduction Limit column will show the Deduction Limit set in the deduction configuration. If the deduction has been set to ‘Unlimited’, this is the value that will show on the report. If the deduction has been set with a Pay Periods limit, the column will be blank.
Report Settings
You can filter the Deduction Balance report based on:
- Payroll or Billing Entity. Where there are multiple entities or multiple regions, users can select All Entities, entities for a specific region, or multi-select individual entities
- Pay Date (From/To)
- Deduction Start Date (From/To)
- Pay Run Number
- Permission Group
- Employee keyword
- Division Manager
- Employee Type
- Deduction Type
- Deduction Name
- Include Inactive Employees
- Include Terminated Employees
Export Options
You can export the on-screen view in .pdf format or in .csv format. There are two .csv options available for export: Detailed and Summary.
The Detailed CSV will report a separate line for each application of a deduction against an employee, providing the following information:
- Payroll CMCID (Payroll Entity ID)
- Payroll Entity
- MID (Employee ID)
- Employee Name
- Employee Remote ID
- Permission Group
- Deduction ID
- Deduction Type
- Deduction Name
- Deduction Active
- Deduction Start Date
- Deduction End Date
- Calculation Type
- Limit Type
- Deduction Limit
- Pay Period Limit
- Pay Period Limit Remaining
- Pre-Tax Deduction Amount
- Post-Tax Deduction Amount
- Deduction Percentage
- Pre-Tax Deduction Amount
- Post-Tax Deduction Amount
- Remaining Balance
- Pay Run #
- Pay Date
- Pay Period From
- Pay Period To
- Currency
- Reference
- Source
The Summary CSV contains the following information:
- Payroll CMCID (Payroll Entity ID)
- Payroll Entity
- MID (Employee ID)
- Employee Name
- Employee Remote ID
- Employee Type
- Permission Group
- Deduction ID
- Deduction Name
- Deduction Type
- Calculation Type
- Deduction Limit
- Remaining Balance
- Source
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